Updated Vitamin Protocol for new Variants, Vaccines, Boosters and any other Respiratory virus.

By popular request, I’m keeping this update short and sweet today!

Mega dosing vitamins during the acute phase of any respiratory virus or bacterial infection will increase your immune antibody production. The goal here is to increase antibody production and activate immune recognition.

Many of you have asked what can be done with active infections and pre/post vaccination and even in the long covid phase.

Let me be clear upfront, I am pro-immunity. There’s lots of data about the efficacy of the vaccine to reduce severity of symptoms, but you can still get infected even if vaccinated as we have learned with this new variant. There are also adverse reactions with this vaccine that is not heavily reported, just as with every vaccine that’s been produced (even the flu vaccine).

My job is to educate you with protocols & evidence based natural therapies to help protect your body.

 Basic tips to begin:

I recommend to REST if infected or if you test positive and are asymptomatic. Even though you are quarantined, this is NOT the time to exercise or clean your home intensely. Instead, it’s a great time to catch up on your reading list, clean your email box, or any other restorative activity.

Post booster/ vaccination, allow yourself 1-2 days to recover. Wear your mask. Remember, you’ve just been introduced to genetic material that is designed to stimulate your immune response. It’s normal to feel fatigued/lethargic.

Let’s start with what’s urgent:

Acute phase protocol:

At the first sign of illness, begin this protocol and continue for one week or until symptoms subside.  Do not exceed past 10 days.  All should be taken with meals ( not snacks) to avoid nausea.

If you feel like your symptoms are getting worse as the infection progresses, your O2 (oxygen) saturation is dropping,  or lingering past the third day, you should call 911 and/or seek hospital based care.

Food based:

100% Get off sugar and all dairy for the duration of your active infection. Both can dampen the immune response and maintain more mucous production in the upper respiratory sinuses and the chest. This is a bad combo if you have a history of Asthma, Bronchitis, upper respiratory or if you are carrying more weight.


 Grab & purchase this protocol from fullscript

Vitamin C:

Vitamin D3:

Vitamin A:






Cryo-Compresses for 3 nights: This is a timeless old-school method to improve microcirculation to the head/ neck and it’s free! Read how to do this…



·       https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/CMR.18.3.446-464.2005

·       https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33069048/

·       https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14787210.2020.1706483

·       https://journal-inflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12950-021-00268-6


Updated Long- Hauler or PASC fatigue syndrome:

Recovering from Post-infection/ Long COVID Fatigue is tricky.

We’re understanding the long-term impact of this every day. The key here if your energy isnt recovered after 1 month, is to jumpstart the body system with lots of deeper cell-level fuel.

I’ve shared tips previously, and now I’ve updated my protocol based on the latest research from 2021.

Food based Support:

Get off coffee & sugar! While it may be tempting to support your energy with sweets and caffeine, you may actually be hurting your long-term recovery. I prefer to use adaptogens like ginseng or ashwagandha. It’s a deeper focus on supporting the nervous system.

Mass Nutrient depletion:

I’m seeing low nutrient levels and even depleted WBCs- immune support cells in bloodwork.  This is akin to my patients who have graves, or autoimmune where the body is working overtime and is now depleted.    You must replenish this back to feel normal again. See my supplement recommendations below.

Long COVID Nutrients:

Grab & purchase nutrients to support your energy pickup after your viral infection has passed. This should not be done until the active infection has passed.  If needed, we can always run a full nutrient panel for you! Existing patients can book a 15min consult at 510-230-2282 to discuss more in-depth.

The symptoms of long-haul are many. I’m seeing pop-up medical clinics offering programs specifically, but in my practice, I focus on COVID-related Hair Loss, digestion and nervous system exhaustion specifically. Take a look at my Healthy hair/ Hormone programs and see if this is a good fit for you to get your body back on track.

More to come, stay healthy in the meantime!


Dr. Vera