Do you want to reduce your risk of breast cancer?

Are you CONCERNED WITH THE RADIATION risks FROM MAMMOGRAPHY, but want a different approach to maintain healthy breasts?  Here's a harrowing statistic: 1 out of every 8 women will be affected by breast cancer, and there are many reasons that may impact you.

You want to be sure that you're doing everything to reduce your risk.  if you're doing self-breast exams, you're taking action on the best first line of defense! but...Did you know there are 3 other key factors in maintaining optimal breast health? That's right!

Most health professionals don't emphasize the importance, they just encourage yearly mammograms which may actually increase the risk of cancer for certain populations.  besides mammography, what else can be done to help you reduce your risk? Thermography!

3 facts bay area women must know to have healthy breasts that are resistant to cancer

1. Understand your genetics: 

Have members of your family had cancer? Are you genetically susceptible i.e. BRCA1/2 or have VDR (vitamin D), CYP1B1 or GST/SOD detoxification mutations)? This area of medicine is very new AND YOU MAY NOT HAVE EVEN HEARD OF THIS, but can have a huge impact on factors that may make you susceptible to cancer based upon your genetic blueprint.

2. Understand your metabolism of hormones:

Do you have adequate methylation and active liver enzymes to eliminate cancer-causing environmental xenoestrogens like BPA or Oral/topical hormones like in birth control, IVF hormones, or menopausal hormone replacement? Many women DO NOT SUPPORT THEIR BODIES THROUGH DETOX over the years to reduce this risk of hormone exposure.

3. Know your breast and lymphatic tissue: 

It's not just breast tissue to examine, most often our circulation and lymphatic or drainage system needs MAJOR attention. Your immune system uses lymphatic circulation to monitor your body for foreign growth.  If immunity is weak and lymph circulation is poor, your natural protection is weakened. 

BC inforgraphic.PNG

Thermography is the only screening tool to detect metabolic changes which may expose hidden cancer activity.


It's important that every woman living in our tri-county area, which has the highest rates of breast cancer in the state of California, understand fully how to protect yourself against breast cancer and create a plan of action to reduce the impact of these 3 elements in your life. It may change the course of a future cancer diagnosis!


I'm Dr. Vera Singleton, an integrative naturopathic doctor specializing in women's health and I'm on a mission to help you take action and help your breast and body become more cancer resistant!

I've helped many women over the years to safely use hormone replacement and balance abnormal hormone metabolism. Because I've helped so many women on their hormone journey, I've noticed a pattern: The breasts speak volumes about the way your body is handling toxins and hormones if you know what to look for.

Think about it: new lumps, fibrocystic breasts, tender or swollen lymph nodes are RED FLAGS and automatic qualifiers for painful biopsy or ultrasound. But, no traditional imaging or technique will tell you the health of your breast circulation and lymphatic flow, except thermography.  I can help you understand the role of genetics and hormone metabolism once you gain clarity on your breast lymphatic and circulatory system.

Thermography is a wonderful tool in addition to mammography and for some women who don't want yearly radiation exposure, it can be used as THE primary tool for prevention.  Thermography can visualize what ultrasounds and mammograms cannot using a heat signature and mapping, and that's why we're able to see the pattern of cancer forming very early on. 

I host Thermography clinics yearly. You'll have access to screening that may completely change how you care for your breasts. No referral is required!

Breast thermography: Learn what to expect in your session. 



This thermography clinic is for women who:

  • Are turned off by the mammograms and don't want the risk of radiation exposure

  • Have repeated breast biopsies

  • Irregular reading on mammograms

  • Are over the age of 40 and have dense, sore or lumpy breast tissue

  • Family history of breast biopsy or any cancer, including skin, breast, uterine or ovarian.

  • Tendency for headaches, or previous difficulty with tolerating birth control or hormones

  • Historically low vitamin D levels + starting menopause during the 40's

  • Over 40 and haven't had any breast imaging in the past 3 years

  • Any combination of the above

Screenings occur in a private room in my medical clinic with a 20+ yr experienced technician using an infrared camera. Results are interpreted by board-certified physicians.  You'll have results in 7-10 days.  You'll then schedule a Healthy Breast Consultation.  Here, we'll review the results with myself ( Dr. Singleton) and I'll discuss what actions you can take based on your results to improve the health of your breasts. This added bonus session is valued at $175, but is FREE when you book your session.

 Take action and book your thermography screening!

Why Thermography?

You may be wondering how you can address these 3 factors (genetics, hormone metabolism, lymph/circulation health). The first two are straightforward and can be detected through blood, saliva or urine tests. But the third, (lymphatics), can be more difficult to assess.


We are familiar with Mammograms. Breast in and SQUISSH between the glass! Very uncomfortable, but is currently the gold standard to detect breast tissue calcifications and changes. But it's not 100% reliable.  We can also use ultrasound and self breast exams to catch abnormal changes in our breast tissue, but let's look closely at why you should add thermography to aid in prevention.

Using Digital Infrared Imaging (Thermogram) is based on the principle that metabolic activity and blood vessel circulation in both pre-cancerous tissue and the area surrounding a developing breast cancer is almost always higher than in normal breast tissue. Cancerous tumors increase circulation to their cells by holding open existing blood vessels, and creating new ones. This process results in an increase in surface temperatures of the breast and surrounding tissues. Thermograms catch this change in micro-circulation, and surrounding heat activity, because these temperature variations may be an early sign of breast cancer and/or a pre-cancerous state of the breast.

6 Reasons Why I Recommend Breast Thermography

In addition to early detection and accurate test results, here are some other reasons I and longtime Women's Health Expert Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD  like thermography:

  1. Good for young, dense breasts and implants. Younger breasts tend to be denser. Thermography doesn’t identify fibrocystic tissue, breast implants, or scars as needing further investigation.

  2. Detect cell changes in arm pit area. The arm pit area is an area that mammography isn’t always good at screening.

  3. Great additional test. Thermography can be used as an additional test to help women and their care teams make more informed treatment decisions. It gives results that are unique to you, time after time.

  4. It Doesn’t Hurt. The pressure of a mammogram machine is equivalent to putting a 50-pound weight on your breast, which can be quite painful for most women.

  5. No radiation. Another reason the United States Preventative Services Task Force reversed its aggressive mammogram guidelines was because of the exposure to radiation. It’s well known that excessive doses of radiation can increase your risk of cancer. It’s ironic that the test women are using for prevention may be causing the very problem they’re trying to avoid in the first place! And this doesn’t even touch on the harm done to the body from unnecessary biopsies, lumpectomies, mastectomies, chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and so forth.

  6. Thermography is very safe. Thermography is even safe for pregnant and nursing women! It’s merely an image of the heat of your body.


Here are thermal images of

normal vs. abnormal tissue. 

Pay close attention to the description of the images!

thermography normal_abnormal.PNG


The 4 Big "ah-ha's" for thermography:

before you feel it, thermography can see it.


Women with a family history are definitely at greater risk, but 75% of women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease. Regardless of your family history, if a thermogram is abnormal you run a future risk of breast cancer that is 10 times higher than a first order family history of the disease!

Certain thermographic risk markers can warn you of the need to PAY MORE ATTENTION to your breast and surrounding circulatory system and allow your to take PREVENTATIVE ACTION months- sometimes years before any growth occurs.


Angiogenesis, or new blood vessel formation, is necessary to sustain the growth of a tumor. Breast thermography may catch the first signal that such a possibility is developing. Mammograms cannot do this! 


Although no single tool currently provides absolute predictability, a combination of a mammogram and thermography will help to improve both the sensitivity and specificity of early cancer detection. There is a time and place for each screening tool. The key is accurate detection for your safety.


Since a significant risk factor for the development of breast cancer is lifetime exposure to certain hormones, stress, and poor diet, regulating the balance of the hormones in the breast may be an important step in prevention. Certain thermographic signs may suggest the effects of hormones in the breasts. I can help you run further tests to clarify this. If these tests are positive, you'll need to get in action to clear excess hormones.

Now you know more about how thermography, let's look at the key differences. 

The following graph outlines the differences between mammography, medical infrared imaging (thermography), and ultrasound. 

thermography chart.PNG

“Fear comes from the lack of knowledge and a state of ignorance
— Debasish Mridha

How to take action?

Now you understand why thermography is an important tool.  So now's it's time to take action to help your breast and body become more cancer resistant! 

I want everyone to have the chance to get screened. That's why I am opening this breast clinic to everyone. No physician referral is required, just book your time and take advantage of this annual opportunity. 

This is a one day event so there are a limited number of appointments available.

Here's how to begin:

  1. Register for the clinic: The clinic is open from 9am to 5pm and appointments are 30 min long. Once you register, you're required to pre-pay upon booking. The cost of the screening includes: your thermography screening, imaging results with interpretation, and a special bonus Healthy Breast Consultation with Dr. Vera to discuss your results.  Screening Cost- $345

  2. Complete your intake forms: Download this pre-procedure packet with instructions to prepare for the screening, intake forms, and consent forms, fill them out, and bring them with you to the clinic. Or, you can upload here, fax, or email your forms to us. 

  3. At your appointment: There are specific instructions prior to the exam. Be sure to read the pre-appointment instructions in your packet.  Your screening is 30 minutes.  You'll get step-by-step instructions on what to do to optimize the best reading.  Remember, there's no smashing of your breasts.  It's 100% non-invasive and does not emit any radiation. 

  4. What happens after the clinic: Once your results are in, we'll schedule a follow up session with myself, Dr. Singleton for the Healthy Breast Consultation. In this free bonus session, we'll talk in depth about your results, your individualized plan of action. Remember for this bonus session, you'll need to bring your thermography results.  This added bonus is valued at $175, but is free when you book your thermography session. 

Please, reach out if you have any questions!