Cryo-Compress Therapy for Sinuses, Ear infections and sore throats- All Ages

If you’re looking for a treatment that can jumpstart your immune system overnight, you’ve come to the right place. It involves putting on ice-cold socks and… sleeping in them!

This natural method of stimulating the immune system zaps bacterial or viral infections is called the “Cryo-compress treatment.”

Yes, you heard me. Ice cold compress, and it works for all ages!

It may sound strange, but it works because it rallies the body’s defenses at a deep physiologic level.

And the best part about it is that it uses the healing power of nature and doesn’t cost anything.

Who’s this great for:

The treatment stimulates the body to heat the cold, wet socks. The body reacts to the cold socks by increasing blood circulation, which also stimulates the immune system. This treatment acts to reflexively increase circulation and decrease congestion in the upper respiratory passages, head and throat.

The cold sock treatment can be used in conjunction with other immune-stimulating modalities to treat inflammation, ear infections, sore throat, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis and sinus infections.

It’s best to start the wet sock treatment on the first day of an illness, ideally repeating it for three nights in a row. This treatment is great for all ages!

Here’s how to do the cyro-compress.

1 pair of very thin cotton socks- ankle socks work best
1 pair of thick wool socks or thick cotton socks. (Must cover the thin socks fully!)
2 sets of sweats or cotton pajamas (covering the arms/legs)
1 bowl of ice water


  1. Take a hot bath for 5-10 minutes. This is essential for the effectiveness of the treatment. In fact, it could be harmful if your feet are not warmed first.

  2. Soak the pair of thin socks in the bowl of ice water. Then wring the socks out thoroughly so they do not drip.

  3. Dry off your feet.

  4. Place ice-cold wet socks on feet. Then cover with thick wool socks. Go directly to bed. The key is for you to be warm and your feet cold. Avoid getting chilled. Add a second comforter if needed.

  5. Wear the socks overnight. Avoid the urge to take them off during the night. If you wake up with your whole body wet from sweat, change into another set of dry pajamas, but leave on the socks!

**You will find that the “wet socks” will be dry in the morning, like magic!

 Pro-Tip: Taking any kind of immune support whether tincture, capsule or tea prior to the Cyro-Compress treatment will 10X the effectiveness of the treatment!

Tinctures are my favorite as they are fasting acting and won’t have you urinating in the bathroom all night.

This is my favorite immune blend. It’s got a lesser-known, but powerful lesser herb called Osha (Ligusticum porteri) which has been used by the indigenous cultures for colds and flus for centuries. Absolutely amazing! Purchase it here at Fullscript


Dr. Vera