Now is the time for a Stress Detox

Did you struggle towards the end of last year and miraculously hoped the date change would erase how you’d been feeling?

(Real Talk) let’s make a bigger impact for you.

If you were fed up with last years persistence of feeling moody, frustrated by hormones out of balance, fed up with sugar cravings, tired of your hair falling out or just plain sick & tired of being tired….

It time for a re-freshing start for 2020!

Join me on a 6 week Anti-Stress Detox starting next Thursday evening January 9th at 6:30pm and it's $21/class + you can powerfully join me from the comfort of your home. This is an online/ virtual class.

Click & Signup here!

What to expect?

This 6 week program will fuel your body to create the energy, strength and stamina you need to actually accomplish your health goals!

I know, stress sucks, but it’s a part of life.  When you are stress eating, wiped out, exhausted and tired consistently, your brain programs your physiology to support unconscious habits of not caring for yourself.

You just don’t feel like you…

Frustration stomps in when you do not have the energy to deal with your life, your kids, your work, or with accomplishing your ambitions like you dreamed.

So, let’s change the game! I’m inviting you to make a powerful shift with this Anti-Stress Detox

Our goals over the next 6 weeks:

·        Feel empowered starting off your new year

·        Find foods and nutrients to refuel your inner power

·        Get freedom from the 4 core areas blocking you in your life

·        Learn tools to deal with sabotage stressor habits as they arise

·        Carve the path to live in congruence with who you truly are and could be

Our health is not just defined by the foods we eat, it's a combination of our mindset, hormones, habits, and what we belief is true about our potential.

Click & Signup here!