Dermatology and Natural Skin Care: Does diet really matter?

The key to healthy skin is to combine the right nutrients , good skin flora and healthy fats at the right time to heal skin inflammation.

So I’d have to wonder why dermatologists haven’t paid attention to this yet?

I get lots of clients who KNOW something else is causing their long history of skin issues.   

But, they keep getting multiple prescriptions for anti-biotics, retinols, biologics and 5-FU to fix the problem. Trust me, this isn’t without side effects.

Let’s dig deep into details of my Healthy Skin Program to figure out what can be done differently.

Common Complaints: If you have Inflamed skin, Itching, Hives, Eczema, Psoriasis, Flaky scalp, Hair Loss, Persistent patches, skin that won’t heal, or recurrent skin cancers this program is for you.

Common thought: You’ve tried multiple things already, you’ve researched online and got another prescription from your derm that didn’t work.

Why My Approach is Different: The root cause of most skin issues is nutrient depletion, imbalanced hormones, and triggered inflammatory pathways. We can reduce symptoms and reverse what you are experiencing with a targeted nutritional approach.

In my opinion, to get to the bottom of persistent skin issues, you need to spend 5-8 skin cycles and 3-4 gut cycles feeding your body the right combination. In other words, enough exposure time for key nutrients to impact and change the growth cycle and dna signaling. Anything shorter won’t give you a lasting result.

The Goal of Dr. Vera’s Healthy Skin Program is to identify these core problem areas, fix the keystone issues and create the quality of skin that is resistant to inflammation.

Our bodies work in combination, not isolation. When the gut is unhappy and secreting inflammatory proteins and cytokines, it can directly affect what’s happening on the skin. Many times, it’s the combination of imbalances in gut flora, skin flora + physical changes in each layer that’s at the root of many skin issues.  These systems work together to regulate and maintain normal skin.  

I accomplish this through changing the diet focusing on healing the skin, testing for food allergies, testing for gut inflammation and giving your body the right combo of skin specific nutrients to start the healing process, then it’s really easy to get right to the source of the problem.

What results you’ll notice over time? Skin that is happy, moist, nourished and quiet. Symptoms may pop up occasionally instead of daily and this will decrease over time.

Are you curious if the Healthy Skin Program is right for you?

Want a second opinion?  

Reach out to me today and let’s talk about it! 510-230-2282 or