How to Naturally Rebalance Leaky Gut and SIBO to Boost Your Digestive System | Digestive System Treatment in Walnut Creek, CA

You wake up in the morning feeling discomfort in your belly. You go to work, and the first thing you do is drink a few cups of coffee to wake up fully, only to feel nausea and  burning in your stomach. You've been dealing with this for weeks, maybe even months, and you're just about fed up. Most digestion discomfort come from inflammation in the gut, caused by either wrong foods or harmful bacteria. Maybe even a combination of both! A big part of your immune system is located in your gut, which can explain why keeping it healthy considerably impacts your overall health. Do you need a second opinion on fixing your nutrition in Walnut Creek, CA? Look no further. I am Dr. Vera Singleton, and I will walk you through a way to naturally rebalance and boost your digestive system.

How Does the State of the Gut Affect My Overall Health?

Let's begin by diving into the importance of the digestive system. This essential body process helps break down food, extract nutrients, and eliminate waste. When functioning correctly, we feel great and have lots of energy. But when something goes wrong, we can experience digestive problems like acid reflux, nausea, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and more.

These can be symptoms of the leaky gut syndrome, which occurs when the lining of the digestive tract becomes damaged, allowing bacteria and toxins to "leak" into the bloodstream. When larger food proteins leak from the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system may perceive them as external toxins. This may produce an immune response that leads to allergies, food sensitivities, or autoimmunity. SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is another common digestive disorder that occurs when there is an unusual growth of bacteria in the area. This bacterial excess may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, malnutrition, persistent bloating, and unintentional weight loss. When these conditions go untreated, they can lead to autoimmune disease.

While the symptoms may present in the gastrointestinal system, keeping it healthy depends on numerous factors involving the whole body. To ensure optimal function, we need to consider nutrient absorption, the balance of the body's natural microorganisms, elimination of waste, and tissue health. A whole-body approach is the best way to find the underlying root cause of the problem!

But I’ve Tried Other Programs Without Results!

Okay, so you have tried many diets, visited many doctors, and your health hasn't improved. You may be wondering: can Dr. Vera fix my digestion issues? The answer is YES! My Digestion and Gut program isn't limited to just an acid reflux treatment. My customizable approach works even on tough cases by aggressively working to lower key inflammation markers, treat slow digestion, and lessen the impact of food allergies.

Digestive System Treatment in Walnut Creek, CA

My approach consists of the following steps:

  • Case history: I want to know everything about your digestive problems, medical history, family history, and current lifestyle.

  • Discovery: I will assess your digestive function with a comprehensive questionnaire and order the appropriate lab tests to determine the root cause of your digestive problems.

  • Program: I will design a customized program that will rebalance your digestive system and help you find relief from your digestive problems.

  • Support: I will give you the support and resources you need to heal and get your life back.

How Will I Benefit?

My approach isn't based on theory alone. You will leave your first session with action steps and everything you need to get started on the digestion program. Forget about the lengthy try-and-guess process and the elimination diets that take forever to produce useful information. I will help you find the right foods for your body right now, based on your test results. You will feel balanced, have a regular digestive function, less pain, more energy, and better overall health. Plus, you will enjoy all your favorite foods without digestive discomfort and fear of relapses.

Functional Medicine in Walnut Creek, CA | Dr. Vera Singleton

Keeping our digestive system healthy and functioning greatly impacts our overall health, which is why keeping it in check is necessary. If you are fatigued, suffer from hormone imbalance, or need help with your digestive system, I am here to help. Even if you've seen other doctors with no results, there is still more you can do! Naturopathy changed my life and made me question why other doctors could not help me. This ignited my desire to pursue helping others achieve optimal health, become more creative, and have the energy to accomplish their goals. Schedule an appointment online, or call (510) 230-2282 today!

The Leaky Gut Solution: When nothing else is working...

FACT: Most people put up with digestion symptoms on average for 1-2 years longer than most conditions..

FACT: Leaky Gut is actually a combination of 3 or more gut issues colliding all at once!

MYTH: There is nothing more you can do to test for, or to heal Leaky Gut. This is something you have to deal with forever!

I put together a quick AMA (ask me anything) video to show you my step-by-step approach.

Sharing with you my secret sauce to success and this approach is why I get referrals from other doctors and practitioners to help breakthrough difficult cases.

Check this out! and if you have more specific question related to your symptoms, you can always book a free consult.