How to Overcome Sleep Troubles in Peri-Menopause

Peri-Menopause is often a confusing time for hormone balance, especially for maintaining great sleep quality.

Here are the two key hormones at play:

Cortisol produced by the adrenal cortex can serve as a measure of a healthy circadian rhythm. Cortisol and the autonomic nervous system act as a bridge between our internal clock (hormone secretion) and the external clocks (light, time).

However, when cortisol does not maintain a normal pattern of output, the result is a dysfunctional curve that could be either high or low in total cortisol output. Either way results in poor quality of sleep. Disruptions in estrogen production common in peri-menopause are impacted by this dysfunctional curve.

The chronic stress response occurs when the stressors that trigger the sympathetic nervous system and the HPA axis surge. Inflammation, blood sugar imbalances, infections, lack of sleep and mental/emotional stressors can result in chronic stimulation of the stress response leading to a disrupted circadian rhythm.


As natural light dims in the evening, the signal to suppress melatonin decreases allowing melatonin to rise. Melatonin has two roles in the circadian rhythm. First, it trains and shifts the circadian rhythm to align with the environmental cue of darkness. Secondly, it promotes sleep and induces a hypnotic state throughout the night.

Testing Your Circadian Rhythm

Both cortisol and melatonin can be easily measured to provide insight into the mechanisms that have an influence on the circadian rhythm.

Here’s a quick 5 min tutorial —> on what an abnormal circadian rhythm looks like AKA BAD SLEEP PATTERNS!

Why should you care?

RESET: Sleep resets our physiological processes and allows the body to conserve energy, repair, rebuild and detoxify. Sticking to a regular sleep schedule that is aligned with our natural circadian rhythm supports these much-needed processes. During sleep, growth hormone increases to repair tissues while blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, glucose and insulin decrease.

FOCUS & CONCENTRATION: We consolidate memories and dream during REM sleep while we deeply relax during quiet sleep. Better REM = Better AM Energy

HEALTHY PATTERN: Supporting a healthy sleep cycle requires a bedtime somewhere between 9-10 pm. YOU MUST reduce your activity and limit exposure to blue light otherwise the signals for appropriate hormone secretion mix.


Yes, even if you've been dealing with these problems for years and consulted with many other health professionals, I can help improve your sleep quality in my peri-menopause or hormone balance program. I have an approach that has shown excellent results for all my patients. Let me walk you through it.


I learn all about your medical history and what might have led to this situation.


I take the time to get to know you and understand your unique situation. This process helps me find the correct combination of labs to discover the reasons for your symptoms. I test and don't guess to help you get back on track.


I elaborate a step-by-step program to solve your health issue based on the clinical background information we worked through. After the first two consultations, you'll walk away with a specific step-by-step strategy so you can begin to take action. My program’s main focus is achieving optimal function so you can enjoy an excellent quality of life!


As you follow the steps of the program, I will make adjustments and changes to the strategy to get the best results possible based on your progress. What's unique about my practice is that I take a deep look at your neurotransmitters as they relate to adrenal function. This is a more advanced way to correct adrenal function quickly.  Of course, I make changes to your diet as this will give your long term support.


If you have been dealing with these issues for a long time without any positive change, I can help you! I have first-hand experience helping hundreds of people just like you! I am a naturopathic doctor who has been in private practice for over 12 years. I have a wealth of experience helping people with adrenal fatigue, peri-menopause, sleep problems, and other health issues. We'll work together to identify the root of your problems and how to correct it on your first visit. Schedule your appointment today, or call me at (510) 230-2282.

Honoring Rita Singleton, Dr. Vera's Beloved Mom 1949-2022

Some of you may have noticed I've been working remotely. I’d temporarily moved to Las Vegas to support my best friend, my travel companion, and my mom, Rita.

She was my BEST and MOST compliant patient, but she’s lost the battle against cancer. 

About Her

Rita (Akua) Singleton courageously fought mucosal melanoma of the bladder, a rare type of cancer that impacts only 1% of cancer diagnoses. She didn’t drink or smoke or have any other typical risk factors.  While diagnosed in 2018, its progress seemed to be relatively predictable, until the pandemic.

Mom underwent multiple surgeries and immunotherapy to try and control the impact of cancerous growth, but its growth rate was too forceful and widespread. The cancer spread to her brain, lungs, and destroyed her bone tissue. 

Despite the impact, mom fought HARD and held incredible tenacity for living the fullest right to the end. In my life, I’ve never seen anyone crave each breath during their cancer fight like she did.

She was a young 73 and an extraordinary example of someone who valued life and took extraordinary care of herself. (read her story)

I am so lucky to have had my mom in my life. She was someone who worked tirelessly for her family and her community. She came from nothing, created an inspiring life, and then gave generously to others.  


My Thanks

 I’d like to thank the exceptional medical team & advisors over the years for their tireless work, strategy and an incredible example of what a caring provider is:

  • Centennial Hills Hospital, Las Vegas; Dr. Devries, Nicole (an incredible RN who cared for mom in her last hours)

  • UCLA; Dr. Everson, Dr. Chmielowski, Adelita Cabagnot, NP, Jules Guerra

  • UCSF: Dr. Tsai, Dr. Chapman, Dr. Porten, Krisztina Emodi, NP

  • Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Las Vegas: Dr. Sanchez

  • Reno Integrative Cancer Center: Dr. Eslinger

  • RGCC of America consult team - Oncocount Testing

  • Dr. Ira Copeland, MD

  • Dr. Toni Varela, ND

  • Dr. Adiel Tel-Oren, MD

  • Dr. Ryan Partovi, ND

  • Dr. Robert Duplain, ND

  • Dr. Melissa Coats, ND

I’d especially like to thank you, my patients, and my staff for your words of comfort, for your flexibility, and for holding space for me over the years. I could not have cared for mom in her last days, without you!


My HUGE ASK of you…


I’d be honored to invite you to come celebrate or just leave a loving message for Rita’s memorial in Las Vegas, where our family and friends will honor her one last time.  


I'll be out of the office for the rest of August so that I can attend to my family and my grief. My staff will continue to answer your concerns, refill prescriptions and field urgent questions.

 If you still have your mom or a mother figure in your life, honor my mom by reaching out to them to let you know you love them.

 Thank you for your patience, prayers and well wishes for her over the years.



Dr. Vera

How to Treat the Symptoms of Eczema With a Drug-Free Approach | Skin Care Treatment in Lafayette, CA

If you're one of the 30 million Americans who suffer from eczema, you know how frustrating and embarrassing this condition can be. Before coming to me, many of my patients turned to prescription drugs and treatments but suffered harsh side effects without visible results. I’m here to tell you there’s a better option to target the root cause of the issues instead of just treating symptoms!. I’m Vera Singleton, a naturopathic doctor in Lafayette, CA, with many years of experience in treating skin from the inside out. Keep reading to learn more about my Healthy Skin program to get to the bottom of your persistent skin issues.

What Is Eczema?

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes dry, cracked, and scaly or blistered skin. It can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable and can make everyday activities difficult. This condition presents as a red, scaly rash on the face, hands, or feet but can occur anywhere on the body.

It can appear at any age and range from mild to severe. External or internal irritants or allergens trigger the immune system, causing inflammation (also called flare-up). While there isn't an exact known cause for this condition, it may result from an imbalance between immune support, nutritional support, optimal digestion, and support for the skin flora. 

Eczema Symptoms

Symptoms will vary from person to person, as an individual's skin care routine can affect its state. With this in mind, the most common signs of this condition include:

  • Dry and sensitive skin

  • Discolored or inflamed skin

  • Blisters

  • Scaly, rough skin patches

  • Swollen skin

  • Itchiness

The Traditional Approach

The traditional approach to eczema treatment is to prescribe topical steroids or immunosuppressants. These drugs can be effective in the short term but also have many harmful side effects. Long-term prescription of topical steroids can thin the skin and make it more susceptible to infection. Immunosuppressants put patients at risk for developing severe conditions.

My Naturopathic Approach

I created a targeted approach to help my patients reduce their symptoms quickly and heal their skin in 6 to 9 months by working on the following four pillars:

  • Reducing inflammation at the core

  • Restoring nutrient levels the skin needs

  • Balancing hormonal triggers and inflammation pathways

  • Building back skin-specific flora on the skin and gut

Maybe you are thinking, "but I have been to dermatologists, tried antibiotics and topical steroids, and nothing has worked." I am here to tell you that it is possible to get your skin condition under control. My goal is to find the underlying cause of eczema and help the skin heal from the inside out by restoring commensal bacteria and intestinal permeability (leaky gut). 

How Does My Healthy Skin Program Work?

  1. Case history: I will ask you about your medical history, medications, and supplement use. I will also want to know about your diet and stress levels.

  2. Discovery: I will use traditional and specialty lab testing to look for nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, and digestive imbalances.

  3. Take off: I will create a plan to eliminate triggers, support your digestive system, and rebalance your microbiome.

  4. Monthly support: I will see you monthly to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

Additionally, you will get individualized nutrition optimization sessions, free webinars on creating healthy habits, email support between visits, and access to high-quality supplements at a discount. This program will improve your skin to be worry-free of sudden, constant outbreaks. You will also have a precise understanding of how to detox and clear your skin if you have any flare-ups in the future.

Send a Clear Message to Your Body and See Results! | Skin Care Treatment in Lafayette, CA

Skin conditions like eczema can significantly affect our self-esteem and overall health. However, there are options that will help you love your skin again! When you have optimal health, your mind is sharper and more focused, you are creative, and you have the energy to accomplish the goals that you set out. I'm Dr. Vera Singleton, and I help people find the underlying cause of their health troubles using natural medicine. You'll understand the big impact quickly of why your body is out of balance and how to correct it on your first visit. Book an appointment today or call me at (510) 230-2282 today to get started!

How to Naturally Rebalance Leaky Gut and SIBO to Boost Your Digestive System | Digestive System Treatment in Walnut Creek, CA

You wake up in the morning feeling discomfort in your belly. You go to work, and the first thing you do is drink a few cups of coffee to wake up fully, only to feel nausea and  burning in your stomach. You've been dealing with this for weeks, maybe even months, and you're just about fed up. Most digestion discomfort come from inflammation in the gut, caused by either wrong foods or harmful bacteria. Maybe even a combination of both! A big part of your immune system is located in your gut, which can explain why keeping it healthy considerably impacts your overall health. Do you need a second opinion on fixing your nutrition in Walnut Creek, CA? Look no further. I am Dr. Vera Singleton, and I will walk you through a way to naturally rebalance and boost your digestive system.

How Does the State of the Gut Affect My Overall Health?

Let's begin by diving into the importance of the digestive system. This essential body process helps break down food, extract nutrients, and eliminate waste. When functioning correctly, we feel great and have lots of energy. But when something goes wrong, we can experience digestive problems like acid reflux, nausea, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and more.

These can be symptoms of the leaky gut syndrome, which occurs when the lining of the digestive tract becomes damaged, allowing bacteria and toxins to "leak" into the bloodstream. When larger food proteins leak from the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system may perceive them as external toxins. This may produce an immune response that leads to allergies, food sensitivities, or autoimmunity. SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is another common digestive disorder that occurs when there is an unusual growth of bacteria in the area. This bacterial excess may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, malnutrition, persistent bloating, and unintentional weight loss. When these conditions go untreated, they can lead to autoimmune disease.

While the symptoms may present in the gastrointestinal system, keeping it healthy depends on numerous factors involving the whole body. To ensure optimal function, we need to consider nutrient absorption, the balance of the body's natural microorganisms, elimination of waste, and tissue health. A whole-body approach is the best way to find the underlying root cause of the problem!

But I’ve Tried Other Programs Without Results!

Okay, so you have tried many diets, visited many doctors, and your health hasn't improved. You may be wondering: can Dr. Vera fix my digestion issues? The answer is YES! My Digestion and Gut program isn't limited to just an acid reflux treatment. My customizable approach works even on tough cases by aggressively working to lower key inflammation markers, treat slow digestion, and lessen the impact of food allergies.

Digestive System Treatment in Walnut Creek, CA

My approach consists of the following steps:

  • Case history: I want to know everything about your digestive problems, medical history, family history, and current lifestyle.

  • Discovery: I will assess your digestive function with a comprehensive questionnaire and order the appropriate lab tests to determine the root cause of your digestive problems.

  • Program: I will design a customized program that will rebalance your digestive system and help you find relief from your digestive problems.

  • Support: I will give you the support and resources you need to heal and get your life back.

How Will I Benefit?

My approach isn't based on theory alone. You will leave your first session with action steps and everything you need to get started on the digestion program. Forget about the lengthy try-and-guess process and the elimination diets that take forever to produce useful information. I will help you find the right foods for your body right now, based on your test results. You will feel balanced, have a regular digestive function, less pain, more energy, and better overall health. Plus, you will enjoy all your favorite foods without digestive discomfort and fear of relapses.

Functional Medicine in Walnut Creek, CA | Dr. Vera Singleton

Keeping our digestive system healthy and functioning greatly impacts our overall health, which is why keeping it in check is necessary. If you are fatigued, suffer from hormone imbalance, or need help with your digestive system, I am here to help. Even if you've seen other doctors with no results, there is still more you can do! Naturopathy changed my life and made me question why other doctors could not help me. This ignited my desire to pursue helping others achieve optimal health, become more creative, and have the energy to accomplish their goals. Schedule an appointment online, or call (510) 230-2282 today!

Tiredness, Anxiety, Sleep Problems and More: All About Adrenal Fatigue | Naturopathic Doctor in Lafayette, CA

Do you feel like you're always running on empty? Do you struggle with anxiety or sleep problems? If so, you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Let me walk you through what this condition means and how my program will help you feel like yourself again!

Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Get Rid of Seasonal Allergies for Good!

Be sure to watch my video "Get Rid of Allergies for Good: Dr Vera's Ultimate Seasonal Allergy Guide" for an in-depth look at how to address the root cause of why you have seasonal allergies!

Here’s a quick 5 step guide to get you started: It’s a good idea to do 3 of the 5 suggestions for best results. Depending on just 1 won’t do the trick!

#1 Re-Consider the Air Quality in your Home:

Don’t overlook the obvious. Improving the air quality at home and even in your car can make a huge difference. You should be changing air filters at least 2x/during allergy season. You can also invest in a air filter for a room you spend lots of time in, such as your office or living area.

Check your home!

#2 Lower your immune threshold:

It takes time, but when you build a solid foundation for your immune system, it will stop over-reacting. You need to start early in the season to send a clear message to your body. I put together a protocol for you of the top herbs and vitamins that will do job!

Here are my top recommendations designed to get rid of seasonal allergies for good!

  • Complete support: Vitamin C + Sinus Care + Mixed Berry Extract + Probiotic

  • Ultra Basic Support: Vitamin C + Quercetin/Nettles

  • Children: Probiotic + Allergy Care + Mixed berry Extract

  • Drink plenty of water!

#3 Mushrooms make all the difference.

Seasonal allergies often stem from an imbalance in the immune system. Medicinal Mushrooms have many diverse actions and can address several underlying factors involved in the allergic response. Mushrooms are immune-modulatory, they can support our immune system to function optimally and lessen our heightened response to allergens providing hay fever relief!

Read how reishi can help make a huge difference in your allergy-specific immunity!

#4Clear the particulates from the source of AGGRAVATION

I’m a huge fan of nasal rinses. A neti pot is a container designed to rinse debris or mucus from your nasal cavity. This is a no-brainer especially if symptoms are worse at night.

Neti-Pot Instructions:

Using your Neti Wash™ Neti Pot

1. Prepare the saline solution and fill your Neti Pot.

2. Lean forward and turn your head to the side.

3. Insert the sprout of the Neti Pot gently into the upper nostril to create a comfortable seal.

4. Raise the Neti Pot gradually so the saline solution flows in through the upper nostril and out the lower nostril. Breathe through your mouth.

5. Once the solution has flowed through, exhale through your nose to clear the nasal passages.

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 with the other nostril.

#5 Soothe your respiratory tract:

Steam inhalation is a technique utilized to open the nasal passages, clear out mucus, and support the lungs. Be careful with children and using steam inhalation!

Steam Inhalation Instructions:


  1. Heat water in a kettle or pot until steaming hot (if it boils, let it cool until it no longer bubbles).

  2. Pour water into a heat-safe bowl.

  3. Add essential oils to water, drop by drop.

  4. Lean over until your face is a few inches above the bowl and drape towel over your head to create a steam tent over the bowl.

  5. Hold this position and deeply inhale the steam for 5 to 10 minutes

Anxiety, Mood Swings, and Other Common Peri-menopause Symptoms and How to Treat Them | Oakland Naturopathic Doctor

Many women think our bodies stop changing as soon as we reach adulthood. Hormonal imbalances, mood swings, physical transformations – we tend to associate all that with adolescence. But the truth is, our bodies change all the time, even if we are not entirely aware of it. While menopause is the most well-known stage for adult women entering their 50s, there is actually a previous transition phase that women between the ages of 40 to 54 experience: peri-menopause. Peri-menopause is a transitional period before menopause ultimately settles in and can be quite confusing and unsettling for many. Read on to learn more about peri-menopause, its symptoms, and how to manage them. I can help you take back control during this phase through an organized, step-by-step focused strategy!

What Is Peri-menopause?

Peri-Menopause refers to a period in which the ovaries begin to decline in function and produce less estrogen. However, when your body stops releasing eggs and the menstrual cycle stops altogether for a period of one year, this highlights the start of menopause. Peri-menopause lasts four years on average, though it may last anywhere from ten months for some and up to ten years for others. Peri-menopause begins around your 40s or early 50s and comes with symptoms and signs that might cause worry and anxiety regardless of when it starts. 

Symptoms of Peri-menopause 

Some of the most common symptoms of peri-menopause are:

  • Anxiety: 

This is a prevalent symptom for many women. Low levels of key hormones like progesterone or norepinephrine can make it difficult for your body to function normally, causing your anxiety levels to rise seemingly out of nowhere.

  • Mood Swings: 

Hormone shifts can make you go from happy to sad in minutes! Even though it's normal to have mood swings during this period, it might be significantly worse for women with a history of severe PMS, fibroids, or endometriosis. 

  • Low Sex Drive: 

Your sex drive might plummet due to a combination of stress, low energy, and painful intercourse. An unfortunate side effect of peri-menopause is vaginal dryness. When the vagina loses moisture and elasticity, penetration becomes difficult, making you uninterested in the activity.

  • Weight Gain: 

Weight gain around your abdomen and thighs is another unwanted side-effect. You may find yourself stress-eating more often, eating larger portions, and, since energy and motivation are low, your desire to exercise decreases considerably—a perfect combination for weight to pile on. 

  • Constant Cycle Changes: 

Menstrual flow irregularities are normal and inevitable during this time. The number of days your cycle might increase or decrease will vary. You may have more days of spotting between cycles, larger heavy clots, or skip several months and not have a menstrual flow at all!

  • Sleeplessness: 

Night sweats, hot flashes, and restlessness may make it difficult for you to sleep at night. If you depend too heavily on Ambien, SSRIs, or Melatonin, and they aren't working anymore, it's likely that your sleep-wake hormones are out of balance. Both Estrogen and Progesterone help dictate the quality of your circadian rhythm.

  • Hormonal Changes: 

During peri-menopause, the estrogen and progesterone levels drop, affecting other body systems like your nervous system, immunity, cardiovascular, and digestion. It's no wonder we see increased rates of cancer and heart disease rise during this time.

Treatment Methods 

While most symptoms can be managed, women need help to relieve the pain and suffering and reduce the stress associated with peri-menopause. Depending on how severe the symptoms are, I will recommend various treatment options, such as:

  • Natural Anti-depressants 

  • Hormone Balancing using Herbal Treatments

  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

  • Change in the type of exercise

  • Revised diet for optimizing hormones

  • Improving the sleep hormones & establishing a regular sleep pattern 

Naturopathic & Holistic medicine allows you to heal yourself, focus on the root cause of the problem and help you get long-term results to be symptoms free.

Naturopathic Doctor in Oakland | Dr. Vera Singleton

Peri-menopause is a normal part of life, and you don't have to suffer through it alone. This is the time to learn how to connect with your body and support the systems needed for the longer-term journey into menopause. If you are in Oakland and need relief from peri-meno's symptoms, reach out to Dr. Vera Singleton. I can offer you a wide variety of treatment options to help you through peri-menopause. I use a program-based approach to get you the results you want and which fits your unique needs. I'm committed to helping you get to the root of your symptoms and giving you resources to live your fullest, happiest life. Schedule an appointment online or call (510) 230-2282 today for more information!